Update 7.1.0
Update in Grim Soul: What's New?

Skill Interface Overhaul
Exiles will now have an easier time navigating skill selection and development! The skill interface has become more informative and user-friendly.

Changes to Sarcophagus and Storage Shelf Upgrades
  • Thanks to adjustments in upgrade materials, level 4 sarcophagi with 25 slots are now available. Bronze ingots and enchanted iron can now be used for upgrades.
  • Speed up shelf and sarcophagus upgrades—they can now be upgraded using Thalers!
Wagenburg Adjustments
  • Enemies change their strategy: Some opponents have relocated, altering their positions.
  • Balance of power shifts: The relentless attacks on Wagenburg have not gone unnoticed by its inhabitants. Some fighters have grown weaker due to constant injuries, while others have prepared for revenge and become even more dangerous.
Card Game
  • The Cunning Scrooge has decided to make the card game even more fun and increased the number of levels to 240!
  • More levels mean more rewards! Good luck—you'll definitely need it when playing against Scrooge!
Other Changes
  • Bows: Now a deadlier and more desirable weapon. Bow damage no longer depends on draw strength, and overdrawing the bowstring will no longer cause a miss.
  • Dungeon of the Torturers: The Scout has become more talkative! After you unlock the second floor, the tortured scout will not only reveal the way out but also mark iron maidens containing keys.
  • Wandering Merchants: Their range has expanded—new trade offers are now available.
Birthday, gifts, contests, new challenges, and equipment—let’s go over everything in detail in our article!
We listened to your feedback and requests to introduce changes that will make survival in Lubenia more convenient and engaging. Check out the details below!
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